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UPCOMING Events at Sane Living Center

Be My Valentine

PAST Events at the Sane Living Center

Soul Motion
Dance For Peace
Love Heals
Family Constellation With Hans Gruenn, MD
Tahi Movie
Archetypes Of Mary Magdalene
Mystery Of Reality Unveiled
Deep Listening And Sound Healing Concert
Somatic Stretch
Deep Listening And Sound Healing Concert
Tahi Movie
Sat Nam Rasayan
Jim ``Kimo`` West & Josse Jaffe
Amma World Tour
Oh My Word
Visual Meditation Workshop

Explore. Heal. Transform.

May 20, 21 & 22, Ojai, CA

You are invited to join us for a weekend of breathwork and connection*

*Must be vaccinated against Covid-19 to register

In the Holotropic™ tradition, BodhiBreath® is a practice that promotes

self-exploration, spiritual insight, healing, and transformation.
We will create a safe space for you to embark on or deepen your inner journey.

Location: Ojai, CA
(exact location will be provided to registered participants)

Friday, May 20:
3:45-6:00 p.m. Mandatory intro talk for all participants

Saturday & Sunday, May 21 & 22:
BodhiBreath® workshop
8:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

*Workshop is limited to Covid-19 fully-vaccinated individuals
This requires at least one booster shot
Registration is required. Space is Limited.

About Your Facilitator

Colleen Reid is an author, speaker, Grof-Certified Holotropic Breathwork™facilitator, Grof- Legacy facilitator, and the founder of BodhiBreath®. After a profoundly transformative spiritual awakening, she has dedicated her life to helping others find wellness and inner-peace through expanded states of consciousness. Colleen holds a degree in psychology from Dartmouth College, and an M.E.S. from Yale University.

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Universal Symbolagrams
Ammonite Screening
Tahi Movie
Tahi Movie
Mud Lotus X-mas Gifts
Tahi the human journey PREMIER at Sane Living Center, Ojai CA, Sunday Nov 7th at 2pm
The Anatomy of Awakening

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